Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mayoral Candidate


Kovacs moves ahead of McClafferty Recount gives her one-vote lead; Wagner still on top in Streetsboro

By Miles Jung-Kilbreath
Record-Courier staff writer

STREETSBORO -- Planning Director Linda Kovacs took a one-vote lead to emerge as the second of two finalists in the November mayoral election after the results of the May 8 primary election were certified Tuesday.

"This is proof positive that every vote counts," Kovacs said after the meeting. "On to November."

Kovacs edged out 19-year-old Brett McClafferty in the certified vote count, with 665 votes to McClafferty's 664 votes.

Councilman Tom Wagner continues to lead the primary results. He picked up three votes with the certification, finishing with 670 votes.

With the race decided by less than 1 percent of the vote, Board of Elections Director Lois Enlow said an automatic recount will take place on May 31.

If the results are tied after the May 31 recount, Enlow said a flip of a coin would decide who moves on to the November election.

The unofficial results on election night had Kovacs and McClafferty tied with 660 votes.
Wagner said he has already started a "vigorous" campaign to let residents know that he is the candidate who represents them. He said that Kovacs' track record shows that she is more for the developers in the city than its residents.

McClafferty said he will be waiting for the recount, but said if this is the end of his mayoral bid, he thinks he made a good run.
"It was down to one vote," he said.

Board of Elections Deputy Director Glenda Enders said the results are close enough that McClafferty could still make the November election after the recount.

The certified results brought in 18 votes to the election, or nine voters who were allowed to vote for two candidates, according to Enlow.

If McClafferty is able to move ahead of Kovacs after the recount, he still will face questions about whether he can run for the office in November. The city charter says the qualifications of mayor include being a "qualified elector" for three years. McClafferty will only be a qualified elector for two years this November.

If he is challenged on his qualifications, McClafferty said he will fight to stay on the ballot. He said he believes that section of the city charter is unconstitutional.

Streetsboro Law Director Chad Murdock said he will not make a decision on McClafferty's eligibility until after the election is decided.

Streetsboro resident John Albaneze said he filed a complaint May 9 with the board of elections over McClafferty's qualifications. He said he received a letter May 16 from the Portage County Prosecutor's Office's Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Denise Smith saying that the time for an election protest had "long since expired."

Albaneze would have to consult a private attorney for "any questions you have as to Mr. McClafferty's candidacy."

Albaneze said he is considering taking further legal action and has consulted with his attorney on the matter.

The certified results for the other candidates were Ward 1 Councilman Chuck Kocisko with 459 votes; at-large Councilman Pete Buczkowski with 448 votes; resident Drew Delgross with 433 votes; and at-large Councilman Art Scott with 193 votes.

Enlow said the recount will begin May 31 after a special meeting at the Board of Elections starting at 8:30 a.m. The results of the recount should be released that day.

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